Saturday, October 23, 2010

New Black Fatal Sex

So much has been going on lately I don’t even know where to begin. I guess the most obvious one, my new blog. Yes I changed everything about my old blog and yes there’s kind of a long reason why I did. Everything about my old layout and title reminded me of someone other than myself, call me crazy but I think a blog should be all about me. Rather it was a good reminder or a horrible one it still wasn’t me. So I changed everything. We’ll start with the title “Mrs. Lady” was old one, “Lady” the name Ariel gave to me. And when I redid my blog last time, her and I were together and now that we’re not no need to keep a nickname. “Territorial Domain” new title fits me perfectly and if I get to that part you’ll understand perfectly why. And if I don’t get to that part, you’ll figure it out pretty fast. I changed the other layout just because…well I don’t have a real reason I just got tired of seeing the same old layout so I changed it to something else. I think this one is pretty kick ass…what do you think? As you noticed, well if you’ve been coming to my website since kingdom come you’ll know that once I start changing everything on my blog I tend to delete all prior entries, and yes I mean ALL but I didn’t do that this time. Not only do the last entries mean something to certain people, but one of my entries could be something that a little girl looks at and finds herself in it. (Highly doubtful) but you never know. So I kept them all, at least for now.
Signed: Mrs. NewNew

As of right now school which is usually my get away area, is becoming a stress area in which I need to avoid but really cant so I go everyday put on a happy face, laugh a dumb jokes and come back home wishing tomorrow will be different which it typically isn’t. Yet I go everyday and do what I have no choice but to do and call it that. Lets not get it wrong there are 2 people I can count on that’ll for the most part make me laugh for real and they’re around a lot so that’s good. But lately I’ve been noticing that everything around me upsets me more. Don’t know if that makes sense so like say it like this, I was born with a short fuse and its been getting shorter nowadays. And yea it’s a bad thing, well for other people not really so much for me. I don’t know where and why this is coming along all of a sudden all I know is that is coming off truly strong; I’m doing my best to still have a good time but its kind of hard when everything makes you mad. To add to school stress, there’s always family stress. I don’t even know where to go with this one. Maybe I’ll start with the fact that I want to fight my sister. I don’t mean haha punch punch I mean take my earrings off put my vans on and really fight her. She’s done so many stupid things lately I cant even begin to tell you, but one of the ones that really pissed me off was this one: so my niece, her daughter, lives with me and when my sister came out here to visit to promised my niece she would send her some money. (No one told her to promise a 5 year old anything but she did, and def was the first time.) So about 3 weeks goes by and my niece asked my mom was my sister going to send her money. So my mom asked me to message my sister on facebook to ask her what’s sup. And here is where everything goes down hill, she started going hard on facebook talking about “if you bitches wasn’t family I wouldn’t fuck with you, and ya’ll ain’t gotta check up on my money I know what I gotta do.” Okay now, if you know me you know I most def went off in that next message and knowing my scary as sister she deleted, and blocked me. 1.) Nobody told her to promise her “daughter” anything. 2.) Nobody is checking on your little ass county check that you get because your ass is too high to find a job. So after that like 94% of me wants to fight her, but her and her county baby daddy is pregnant so I’m just waiting until she drops that baby and then I will step to her so I can drop her!
Signed: Mad Black Woman

I’ve had a fatal attraction to someone lately. And for secretive reasons we wont go into names, but so I wont sound like a broken tape saying someone all day we’ll call this person Green Eyez. After my last break up I was really down in the dumps and was alone. Green Eyez came and started making everything better. And soon enough I was attracted, not sure if it’s for one reason or another but the attraction is there. I call it fatal attraction because we can’t do anything about it or it could be deadly to our friendship. But everything that we need to be there, in order to make something happen is there but for the sake of our friendship we have to fight the temptation more. Green Eyez and I have found ourselves in this situation before and fought it away; this time at least for me the attraction is way stronger than last time and there’s way more temptation and way more fighting we have to do in order to maintain normal. I think I’ve said this before I hate people who you can tell go do this and they do it, it’s not only annoying but it makes my skin crawl! I have a strong erg and attraction to people who don’t give me my way all the time. It makes me have to actually fight for what I want and we all know I’m a selfish spoiled brat who wants everything I can get. But the only frustrating part of it is not getting anything I want, ever! That is like another extreme, as much as I hate pushover’s I hate not getting anything I want just as bad. I like it somewhere in the middle. But back to Green Eyez and I, I have to fight this or I’m going to end up hurt again and I hate emotional pain! Lately I’ve been Mrs. Cuteness and flirting more than my Libra allows but now I have to find a way to back off of it all. I refuse to end up the up one again and going through that alone. So as of the posting of this blog I’m backing off Green Eyez although that’ll be hard because the attraction is so strong I’m willing to push it all away.
Signed: Fatal Lust

There’s this dream that I keep having, sometimes I goes sexual and sometimes I just goes normal. I’m not sure what to make of it but its making me want to go to the mountains. Okay so I’ll tell the sexual dream first because the normal dream is the same thing taken out all the sexual parts. Dream: I text my friend because my family is just stressing me out. I don’t want to be home and I tell her that in the text. So we decided to just drive far away from where we lived and ended up at some mountains. We got a blanket out the trunk and sat on top of her car and started talking about everything. Somehow we started kissing and I know she’s my best friend but damn she can kiss. We made out and you know how making out always leads to something else? Yeah well that happened here, it lead to everything I’ve always wanted to do with her and without any weird parts. The nice part is that there was already music playing in the car and it was sexual music and everything was perfect. Although my best friend who is actually in this dream lives 54 states away from me its just weird how I still dream about her after all these years. I talk to her almost every day and I’ve even told her about the dream. And how we had sex on top of a car in the mountains, I think that’s one of my top 4 sexual dreams of all times. Then again I think 2/4 is with her in them. The only sucky part about this is knowing that she lives forever away and I probably won’t see her, let alone go to the mountains with her. But this dream makes me want to go to the mountain and at least chill because the view (in the nonsexual one) was a great view; a bunch of lights and everything. Just one of those places you want to go to when you’re stressed.
Signed: Mountain & Sex

I think that’s my life in a nutshell; well most of my current one. I’ll keep you posted on the rest of it =)